
Home Services

Virus, Spyware, Adware, Malware Removal

RootKit Removal

Wifi and Hardwired Network installation

Internet Setup, Security and Protection

Maintenance and Computer Clean-up

System Rebuilds

Internet Setup

Data Recovery

Password Recovery / Reset

Hardware and Software Support

Computer Training

Software Training

Smart TV Installation

Tablet setup

Mobile setup

Business Services

Internet Setup

Domain registration

Basic website construction

Network and System Administration

Server Support, Maintenance and Recovery

Systems Backup and Restore

Custom Network Design and Implementation

Internet and Network Security

Wired and Wireless Networking Services

Firewall and Proxy Server Solutions

Systems Upgrade and Data Migration

Data Backup and Storage Solutions

VMware Implementation and Support

Tablet and Mobile integration

Data Recovery


Tailored training can be provided for businesses and individuals:

Microsoft Office

Windows Server 2003 -2012

Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 and 11


Tablets (IPad and Android)

Mobile Phone usage